In this section you will read updated contents and news about our project and its implementation.
The third institution part of RECHARGE NEXT is Pinacoteca e Museo Civico di Palazzo Minucci Solaini, introducing their business model to raise awareness on the heritage of Volterra and its surroundings
Name of the institution: Pinacoteca e Museo Civico di Palazzo Minucci Solaini
Based in: Via dei Sarti 1, 56048, Volterra, Italy
Mission: The Pinacoteca and Museo Civico of Palazzo Minucci Solaini...
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Introducing Mart, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto and the project for their Living Lab focused on involving younger generations
Name of the organisation: MART, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto
Based in: Rovereto, Italy
Mission: Founded in 1987 as an operational agency of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Mart, the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, has three locations: the Museum's...
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A series of publications introducing the institutions forming the second generation Living Labs and their projects - here is the kick off with KÖME
Name of the organisation: Kulturális Örökség Menedzserek Egyesülete / KÖME or Association of Cultural Heritage Managers / KÖME. The name of the project proposed for RECHARGE is "People's Theatre"
Based in: Budapest, Hungary
Mission: Népszínház or “People’s Theatre” is an emerging heritage institution located in the 8th district of B...
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On April 18-21, the 1st ACEI China Academic Forum and 4th China-Spain International Seminar on Cultural Economy and Policy took place at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) in Xi'an, China. The University of Valladolid (UVa) and Crentrum Cyfrowe Foundation (FCC), members of our consortium, attended to present the RECHARGE project.
The academic event was widely attended by researchers and students, as well as by members of Shangai Jiao Tong University, the Asian Studies Center (CEA) from the University of Valladolid, the Cultural Economics Research Group (GIEC/UVa) and the As...
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