Recharge Resources
DISCLAIMER: these documents are based on deliverables pending acceptance from the European Research Executive Agency (REA)
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This presentation comes from the Rethinking Culture and Creativity Conference where Trilce Navarrete presented 'RECHARGE: Participatory Cultural Business Models and educational gaps to unleash the potential of craft'.
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This report introduces the concept of Participatory Business Models and defines the methodology of Living Labs, followed by RECHARGE, based on a systematic literature review. These approaches prioritise the involvement of a diverse spectrum of stakeholders in a concerted effort to bolster the sustainability and resilience of businesses, organisations, and communities.
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This report outlines RECHARGE's initiative to revolutionize business models for cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) through the adaptation of existing models and a participatory Culture 3.0 approach. Nine business models are outlined in the report. They underwent further desk research and practical feasibility assessments within the Recharge Consortium. Three models were directly implemented with modifications by partner museums, while an additional five models were developed through ongoing discussions over the past year.
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This report explains ways to measure the value allocated by communities to participatory dimensions of cultural heritage institutions, particularly our three reference museums of the RECHARGE project.
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This PDF presentation represents the first output of the research on the literature review about Living Labs.